Clasado Biosciences, a research-focused biotechnology company at the forefront of developing innovative prebiotic ingredients and products for human health, is offering an industrial placement opportunity for a highly motivated and talented PhD student to undertake a 3-month project. This project aims to review the scientific literature related to the emerging science of gut health, nutraceuticals, and novel prebiotic fibres.

As part of this project, the selected student will have the opportunity to contribute to the conceptualization of ideas and technical design of potential experimental workflows, as well as identify required resources and key opinion leaders in the field. Furthermore, the student will play a significant role in creating a roadmap for new product development for Clasado’s future nutraceutical product portfolio.

The project presents a unique opportunity for the selected student to gain invaluable experience in the field of nutraceuticals and prebiotics. The student will be responsible for critically analyzing the scientific literature related to the mechanisms of action, safety, and efficacy of emerging nutraceuticals and novel prebiotic fibres. Additionally, they will have the opportunity to work alongside Clasado’s in-house R&D team, learn from industry experts, and participate in frequent external communication and meetings with partners.

In addition, the student will have an opportunity to work alongside IP manager at Clasado to regularly review the patent landscape in new application areas of novel prebiotic and nutraceutical target molecules, analyze competitor activities in the same field and learn to critically assess the FTO (freedom-to-operate) space for creating new IP for the company.

Overall, the project offers a unique chance for the selected student to develop skills in scientific literature analysis, experimental design, and product development while working with a leading biotechnology company in the field of gut health, nutraceuticals, and prebiotics.

Safe & Efficacious

Safety and efficacy backed by 100+ scientific publications & 20+ clinical studies


GRAS and EU/UK Novel Foods approved for various food, beverage and infant formula applications


Bimuno® is a registered trademark
and is patent-protected


Suitable for vegetarians

Summary of Internship Opportunities

Timelines for placements


What does the individual do on a placement?

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